Exploring the relationship between individual unmet needs and healthy ageing.
Category: Prevention
Tackling poor health in older people resulting from cold homes
A rapid review of evidence about interventions for cold homes occupied by older people.
Evaluation of interventions to reduce hospital admissions
Summarising the economic evaluation evidence for effective interventions to reduce hospital attendances and admissions from care homes.
Individual and neighbourhood profiles and trends to understand frailty in England
Frailty is a priority for the NHS long-term plan but our knowledge of the characteristics and needs of the frail older population is incomplete.
Is caring for older people a social determinant of health?
Providing essential information to support future programmes to target interventions at the most vulnerable carers.
Scoping for a return-on-investment tool for dementia
Analysing evidence to determine whether it would be feasible to build a return on investment tool to support local commissioning decisions around investing in reducing the risk of dementia.
Promoting sexual health in older adults
Providing an overview of existing evidence on sexual health needs and sexual health promotion in later life.
Factors associated with unmet need for support to maintain independence in later life: a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative evidence.
A systematic review to identify factors associated with unmet need for support to maintain independence in later life.
Constructions of childlessness and ageing: legitimising dependency on unpaid care?
A commentary paper aiming to argue that it is more critical than ever to evaluate views of childlessness in the context of ageing.
The impact of Care Act easements under the Coronavirus Act 2020
During the COVID-19 pandemic, carers over the age of 70 with spouses or partners living with dementia and residing at home have faced several challenges.
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