Assessing whether information routinely collected by (some) care homes could contribute to surveillance of COVID-19 infections in these settings.

Assessing whether information routinely collected by (some) care homes could contribute to surveillance of COVID-19 infections in these settings.
Producing research into the identification of frailty in younger populations.
Exploring various remote interventions to see what is effective at combatting loneliness in older adults.
Understanding the evidence that strength and balance exercises can be delivered remotely to older people using digital media.
Identifying evidence about the use of the CFS in intensive and critical care settings, or as a tool to aid decision making for critical care, for those aged under 65 years.
Producing up-to-date projections of disability, and the associated costs for social care, in old age.
Aiming to inform policy, best practice and identify gaps in our knowledge within digital technologies, to help correct health inequalities.
Exploring how the health and care workforce and health and social care system can learn from international experience of COVID-19.
The purpose of our review was to understand how much digital technologies can support older adults to access health and care services.
A review focusing on older people identified as being, or at risk of being, socially isolated and/or lonely, including interventions aimed at reducing or preventing loneliness and/or social isolation.
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