Physical activity – life course trajectories and patterns of strength in the UK

by | 21 Mar 2021 | Past projects, Physical activity, Prevention | 0 comments


We examined patterns of strength across the life course and aimed to identify an optimum point at which to intervene to prevent decline. We also looked at different measures of strength, to identify an appropriate measure that could be administered in any large scale surveys, epidemiological studies or interventions.

Aims and objectives

This work aimed to:

  1. Provide an overview of the existing evidence on the patterns and trends of the UK population levels of strength.
  2. Identify whether there are key ages and sub-populations at which intervention would be most fruitfully targeted.
  3. Identify methods used in the assessment of strength and, based on criteria to be defined during the scoping phase such as validity, reliability, acceptability and practicality, to make recommendations for methods to be used in future population-based studies.
  4. Inform further research requirements.

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