Long term health conditions and later life disability

by | 1 Jul 2020 | Disability, Healthy ageing, Long term conditions, Past projects, Prevention | 0 comments


This project involved mapping the deeper drivers of deteriorating later-life quality to identify ways of reversing the current trend of extra-life years lived with disabilities. We particularly focussed on the impact of long-term conditions and multiple conditions

Aims and objectives

We aimed to answer the following questions:

  • Are the extra years lived with disability and dependency due to:
    • Increased incidence of disability/dependency?
    • Reduced ability to return to independence?
    • Longer survival with disability/dependency?
  • Are the extra years with disability due to individual long-term conditions becoming more prevalent, or more disabling, or because multiple concurrent conditions (multiple conditions) have increased?
  • How do the UK trends in disability-free life expectancy differ from other countries? Specifically, has the plateauing of life expectancy at older ages observed in the UK been evident elsewhere in Europe?

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